Category: Alumni Spotlight
College of Fine Arts NewsMaking movie magic, like a girl
University of New Mexico alumna Carol Payne banded together with her colleagues at Industrial Light & Magic to create Women in VFX, a series that highlights women working in visual effects for film and television.
Eric-Paul Riege commissioned new work for SITElines.2018 Biennial
His work is a celebration and study and being of Hózhó–Diné philosophy that encompasses beauty, balance, goodness, and harmony in all things physical, mental, and spiritual.
Honoring the legacy of Patrick Nagatani
On April 27, the UNM Art Museum will open “Patrick Nagatani: A Survey of Early Photographs” in the Raymond Jonson Gallery. The photographs in the exhibition predate Nagatani’s move to New Mexico, highlighting the work he did as a graduate student and earlier, when Nagatani was a novice photographer.
Fine Arts Faculty and Alum Secure Fulcrum Grant Awards
Professor Ray Hernández-Durán and BFA Joanna Keane Lopez among those receiving project funding from the 516 ARTS partnered grant program
Watch: Jami Porter Lara Exhibits at The National Museum for Women in the Arts
Jami Porter Lara discusses the importance of the arts, her time at UNM, and how she uses a 2000-year-old ceramic process to connect the past and present in Border Crossing
Santa Fe Declares Dana Tai Soon Burgess Day
Santa Fe native and UNM alum, Dana Tai Soon Burgess is a leading American choreographer, dancer, and cultural figure. He has been referred to as the “poet laureate of Washington dance”
Watch: Julia Lambright – Hybrid-Iconography Creations
Julia Lambright’s dream to become an artist started in her native Russia. But it didn’t end there. As a successful makeup artist in Moscow, Lambright felt there was something missing in her life.
How to Apply
• All students must be admitted to the University, whether as an incoming freshman, transfer student, or non-degree student. Apply online through the Admissions Department at UNM
•After meeting all CFA admission requirements, students must apply to become a declared major.
Academic Advisement
The College of Fine Arts Student Success & Advisement Center is committed to serve the UNM community with compassion, guidance, and respect as we promote academic excellence.
To speak with a CFA advisor, please call (505) 277-4817.