Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Interdisciplinary Arts
College of Fine ArtsInterdisciplinary Arts
Program Overview – Minimum Total Hours: 120
An Interdisciplinary Degree in the Fine Arts anticipates the rapidly changing landscape of arts in the 21st century through a customized and synergistic pedagogy. It supports students in making connections, and working effectively, within and across disciplines.
Students will be able to practice across boundaries in multiple media, write and think in the theory of art and art practice, and be introduced to issues of professional practice, including representation, management, grant writing, fundraising and budgets. Students will be assessed on their ability to situate their work in appropriate cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts. The program will be delivered with a mix of studio, online, lecture and seminar courses.
Core Courses for the Major:
• ALBS 2110: Business of Being an Artist
• 3 hrs selected from: ARCH 1120; ARTH 1120, , 2110, 2120, 2130; DANC 1110; FA 284; FDMA 2110; MUS 1120, 1130; THEA 1110; or UHON 207
• FA 187: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Arts
• FA 395: Topics in Arts and Community
• FA 496: Capstone
Admission Requirements
To be eligible for admission as a declared major in the College of Fine Arts, you must meet the following requirements:
• Completion of 26 hours of earned credit.
• A grade point average of at least 2.50 in all hours attempted or, a grade point of at least 2.50 in the last 30 hours attempted.
• Competency in English writing as demonstrated by: achieving a score of 26 or higher on the English section of the ACT examination or 660 SAT Verbal or, completion of ENGL 101 or 110 or 112 or 113 with a grade of C or better, or receiving credit through Advanced Placement Exam or International Baccalaureate program.
• Competency in Mathematics as demonstrated by: achieving a score of 22 or higher on the Math section of the ACT examination or 540 SAT Math, or completion of MATH 120 or MATH 101 & 102 with a grade of C or better, placement into college-level Math by Compass exam, or receiving credit through Advanced Placement Exam or International Baccalaureate program.
For Art Studio Students:
• Completion of ARTS 125: Art Practices I and ARTS 126: Art Practices II with grades of C or better.
For Art Education Students:
• Completion of ARTE 310: Teaching Art in the Elementary School and ARTE 320: Teaching Art in Secondary School with grades B- or better.
• Passing the National Evaluation Series exam with a score of 220 or better.
For Dance Students:
• Pre-approved acceptance into the program by audition/interview.
• Auditions are held ONCE per year, on the last Friday of January from 10:00 am-5:00 pm in the North Arena studio in the Elizabeth Waters Center for Dance at Carlisle Gym on the UNM main campus. The audition includes group work in ballet, flamenco, improvisation, and modern/contemporary; performance of a one-minute solo of their own choreography or an excerpt of a piece performed previously; and a short interview with dance faculty.
•Intended Dance Majors: Contact Amanda Hamp (she/her), faculty advisor for the Dance Major and Minor in Dance.
For Music Students:
• An Approval to Concentrate in appropriate instrument or voice as demonstrated by completion of the first 2 semesters of Applied Music and enrollment in the 3rd semester is required. A signed form is required.
• BME Students: Satisfactory completion of MUSE 194: Introduction to Music Education and MUSE 195: Introductory Teaching Practicum is necessary for acceptance into the Music Education degree program.
Important Information:
• Submit Application for Admission to the College of Fine Arts to the Student Success & Advisement Center.
• You will be notified by email within 1-3 weeks of submitting your application.
• Applications are accepted for spring and fall semesters only.
• Students graduate under the requirements in the UNM Catalog in effect at the time of their admission (or readmission) into CFA as pre-majors or declared majors. See the current UNM Catalog for further details regarding admission and graduation requirements.
• A completed plan of study with two or three areas of focus in different disciplines approved by appropriate faculty mentor or CFA Student Success Specialist.
• A faculty approved 250-word essay which describes how the courses in the Plan of Study better support and coalesce to prepare the student for graduation and eventual work in the intended field rather than the coursework/degree requirements in one of the traditional CFA degrees.
Faculty Advisor – Bachelor of Arts Interdisciplinary Arts
Katie Dukes Walker
Areas of Focus
Art History
Experimental Art & Technology
Arts Leadership + Business
Costume Design
Creative Writing
Film Production
Game Design & Development
Graphic Design
Museum Studies
Music Production
Music Technology
Studio Art
Theatre and more.
Meet the faculty of Interdisciplinary Arts
Jessamyn Lovell
Senior Lecturer III
UNM Fine Arts
Valery Estabrook
Adjunct Lecturer
Experimental Art and Technology
UNM Fine Arts

Kristina Jacobsen
Associate Professor
UNM Music

Devin Geraci
UNM Art Museum
Andrea Polli
UNM Department of Art
Robert Stokowy
Adjunct Lecturer
UNM Film & Digital Arts
How to Apply
• All students must be admitted to the University, whether as an incoming freshman, transfer student, or non-degree student. Apply online through the Admissions Department at UNM
•After meeting all CFA admission requirements, students must apply to become a declared major.
Academic Advisement
The College of Fine Arts Student Success & Advisement Center is committed to serve the UNM community with compassion, guidance, and respect as we promote academic excellence.
To speak with a CFA advisor, please call (505) 277-4817.