Katie Dukes Walker

Direct of Art Leadership & Business Minor Program

Katie Dukes Walker

Katie Dukes Walker

Direct of Art Leadership & Business Minor Program

Director of the Arts Leadership and Business Program and the Interdisciplinary Arts Program at UNM, Dukes Walker also teaches courses in the Arts Leadership and Business Program including Business Planning for the Arts, ALBS Internship, and Nonprofit Arts Administration. She serves on six UNM committees including the Dean’s Leadership Grande Committee, the College of Fine Arts Curriculum Committee, the Assessment Committee, the College of Fine Arts McRae Senior Prize Committee, the UNM Community Engagement Committee, and serves as chair of the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts Committee. Since 2019, as a part of Amity Trio, Dukes Walker has been co-awarded an artistic and production grant totaling over $100,000; having a savvy entrepreneurial spirit to procure artistic support and funding is essential to sustainable interdisciplinary art, and it is part of her mission to share this knowledge and experience with her students. In addition to her ten years in arts administration and executive leadership in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors with Amity Trio, Studio Forza, and Chamber Music Campania, Dukes Walker has performed throughout the United States and internationally in Italy, Austria, and Belgium.

Your support of the ALBS Director’s Fund can directly impact ALBS & BAIA Student Scholarships, the bi-annual Arts Career Fair, and provide support for ALBS and BAIA guest lectures.