We provide a broad, liberal arts education and train students in the fields of dance, theatre, and design & technology for performance
The Department of Theatre and Dance cultivates critical thinking and analysis, and helps students develop tools for creative expression.
For emerging artists and specialists, we provide tools to build careers in their chosen field and networks to the professional world, both nationally and internationally. We serve the community through high quality performance events that showcase student and faculty artistic work and serve as a laboratory for applying skills learned in the classroom and studio.
The UNM Theatre and Dance 2024-2025 Production Season.
Welcome to the UNM Theatre and Dance 2024-2025 Production Season.
In art, and especially in theatre and dance, we are able to dream of new worlds, of better worlds, that are full of possibility and imagination. While we work in a world that actively tries to limit the potential of some of our most vulnerable world-builders, we cannot lose sight of the transformative power and creative safety that occurs in the theater.
Come as you are.
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Design & Technology For Performance
Prepares students for advanced study or professional careers in design and technical production across the spectrum of the performing arts, leading to career paths in Theater, Dance, Opera, Film, Television, Gaming and Interactive Environments
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Dramatic Writing
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Theatre and Dance Graduate Students
Theatre & Dance Events
We produce a mainstage series of five events: three plays, a faculty-choreographed dance concert and the Linnell Festival of New Plays at UNM. In addition to the mainstage series, we support the Theatre X series of student produced plays as well as student dance showcases and outreach tours.
NOTE: there are no 4pm shows of Theatre and Dance Productions.
Please confirm time when purchasing your ticket.
Degrees in Theatre & Dance
From the Chair
As the Chair of this vibrant academic and artistic department, I am proud to be a colleague of the nationally and internationally renowned faculty and a professor working with diverse, talented, and multifaceted students. Throughout each academic year our production season creates sophisticated and ambitious performances that challenge students in the undergraduate and graduate degree programs; design, dance, theater, and dramatic writing.
Collaboration provides a platform for students to see beyond their artistic discipline and delve into deeper realms of experimentation in creating and performing works for the stage. Resident and guest faculty bring diverse approaches to creative and academic practice, inspiring students toward refined academic research that builds a solid platform for academic and professional growth and career placement in the field.
Browse through our website for photos and video of our production season and detailed descriptions of our academic degrees, designed for students developing their artistic voice. Contact our department for a guided tour of the facilities and meet the faculty and students that engage in the creative and scholarly arena on a daily basis. We are excited to be a part of the artistic community of Albuquerque and New Mexico.
—Professor Donna Jewell, Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance
2414 Central Ave SE
(505) 277-4332
How to Apply
• All students must be admitted to the University, whether as an incoming freshman, transfer student, or non-degree student. Apply online through the Admissions Department at UNM
•After meeting all CFA admission requirements, students must apply to become a declared major.
Academic Advisement
The College of Fine Arts Student Success & Advisement Center is committed to serve the UNM community with compassion, guidance, and respect as we promote academic excellence.
To speak with a CFA advisor, please call (505) 277-4817.
The University of New Mexico is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Dance and the National Association of Schools of Theatre.