Fine Arts Faculty and Alum Secure Fulcrum Grant Awards
Professor Ray Hernández-Durán and BFA Joanna Keane Lopez among those receiving major project funding
Now in its second year, the Fulcrum Fund is an annual grant program of 516 ARTS, as a partner in the Regional Regranting Program of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, which aims to support vibrant, under-the-radar artistic activity by partnering with leading cultural institutions in communities across the country. The Fulcrum Fund is one of ten re-granting programs developed and facilitated by organizations in Baltimore, Chicago, Houston, Kansas City, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Portland (OR), Portland (ME) and San Francisco.
Ray Hernández-Durán
Associate Professor of Early Modern Ibero-American Colonial Arts and Architecture
The Alchemical Trace: Transformation and Resilience in Recent Work by LGBTQIA Artists
This exhibition is meant to open in conjunction with the 15th annual Southwest Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, the largest event of its kind in this region of the country. With a focus on community resistance and survival, the exhibition will include recent work by a diverse group of emerging LGBTQIA artists from NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, L.A., Las Vegas, and Albuquerque. They address themes of healing, growth, memory and persistence in their art. In addition to the exhibition, there will be a lecture series, art film screenings and an exhibition catalog that will be free to the public.
Joanna Keane Lopez
BFA in Studio Art and a second major in Spanish with the honors of Summa Cum Laude
Resolana is a public art project composed of a south-facing, half-mooned adobe wall embedded with mirrors that reflects the audience and landscape. Derived from the New Mexican term that means “the place where the sun shines,” Resolana will act as a public art space for dialogue and performance and as a place in the community where people can gather to converse, share and reflect.
In 2017, the Fulcrum Fund aims to foster the development and presentation of artist-led projects and programs that are open to the public. In accordance with the mission of 516 ARTS to forge connections between art and audiences, the Fulcrum Fund seeks to support artists and projects that generate meaningful shared experiences and are created in a collaborative spirit. The Fulcrum Fund is a springboard for artistic processes that are adventurous, experimental and forward thinking while celebrating projects that do not fit into the traditional museum and gallery systems.
Save the date: Saturday, December 9, 2017
Fulcrum Fund Celebration & Publication Launch at 516 ARTS, 516 Central Ave SW Artists from the first year of this new grant program will share work from their projects in the form of art installations, documentation and other displays. Come meet the artists and learn about, interact with and experience their work. This event includes the release of the first Fulcrum Fund catalog centered around the artists’ projects, and which includes writings to contextualize them within our current place and time.
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