Bachelor of Music Education (BME) Instrumental Concentration

Our Undergraduate Degrees

Program Overview – Minimum Total Hours: 126

Department of Music

Level 1 Licensure in Music, K–12, in New Mexico allows one to teach any music class at any level of instruction. Where two or more music educators are employed by a single school district, however, a division of responsibilities between instrumental music and vocal/general music commonly exists. The Department of Music, therefore, offers two planned programs in music education, an Instrumental Concentration, and a Vocal Concentration.

This Instrumental Concentration includes emphases in strings, winds, percussion, piano or guitar.

Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission as a declared major in the College of Fine Arts, you must meet the following requirements:

• Completion of 26 hours of earned credit.

• A grade point average of at least 2.50 in all hours attempted or, a grade point of at least 2.50 in the last 30 hours attempted.

• Competency in English writing as demonstrated by: achieving a score of 26 or higher on the English section of the ACT examination or 660 SAT Verbal or, completion of ENGL 101 or 110 or 112 or 113 with a grade of C or better, or receiving credit through Advanced Placement Exam or International Baccalaureate program.

• Competency in Mathematics as demonstrated by: achieving a score of 22 or higher on the Math section of the ACT examination or 540 SAT Math, or completion of MATH 120 or MATH 101 & 102 with a grade of C or better, placement into college-level Math by Compass exam, or receiving credit through Advanced Placement Exam or International Baccalaureate program.



For Art Studio Students:

• Completion of ARTS 125: Art Practices I and ARTS 126: Art Practices II with grades of C or better.

For Art Education Students:

• Completion of ARTE 310: Teaching Art in the Elementary School and ARTE 320: Teaching Art in Secondary School with grades B- or better.

• Passing the National Evaluation Series exam with a score of 220 or better.

For Dance Students:

• Pre-approved acceptance into the program by audition/interview.

• Auditions are held ONCE per year, on the last Friday of January from 10:00 am-5:00 pm in the North Arena studio in the Elizabeth Waters Center for Dance at Carlisle Gym on the UNM main campus. The audition includes group work in ballet, flamenco, improvisation, and modern/contemporary; performance of a one-minute solo of their own choreography or an excerpt of a piece performed previously; and a short interview with dance faculty.

Intended Dance Majors: Contact Amanda Hamp (she/her), faculty advisor for the Dance Major and Minor in Dance.


For Music Students:

• An Approval to Concentrate in appropriate instrument or voice as demonstrated by completion of the first 2 semesters of Applied Music and enrollment in the 3rd semester is required. A signed form is required.

• BME Students: Satisfactory completion of MUSE 194: Introduction to Music Education and MUSE 195: Introductory Teaching Practicum is necessary for acceptance into the Music Education degree program.



Important Information:

• Submit Application for Admission to the College of Fine Arts to the Student Success & Advisement Center.

• You will be notified by email within 1-3 weeks of submitting your application.

• Applications are accepted for spring and fall semesters only.

• Students graduate under the requirements in the UNM Catalog in effect at the time of their admission (or readmission) into CFA as pre-majors or declared majors. See the current UNM Catalog for further details regarding admission and graduation requirements.

Contact Us

(505) 277-4817

Office: Center for the Arts, Rm 1103

Please schedule an appointment with a CFA Academic Advisor online through LoboAchieve, or call the Student Success and Advisement Office.

How to Apply

• All students must be admitted to the University, whether as an incoming freshman, transfer student, or non-degree student. Apply online through the Admissions Department at UNM

•After meeting all CFA admission requirements, students must apply to become a declared major.

Academic Advisement

The College of Fine Arts Student Success & Advisement Center is committed to serve the UNM community with compassion, guidance, and respect as we promote academic excellence.

To speak with a CFA advisor, please call (505) 277-4817.
