Latest Release: ‘Julio Galán: Performative Transgression’ by Teresa Eckmann
Teresa Eckmann, UNM PhD Art History alumna, studied under emerita Associate Professor of Chicano Art, Holly Barnet Sánchez. Currently serving as Associate Professor of Contemporary Latin American Art at UT San Antonio, Eckmann has recently released her second book titled “Julio Galán: The Art of Performative Transgression” published by UNM Press. In this publication, Eckmann explores Julio Galán’s complex production and artistic process.
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Marchiando and Stojanovska to present “Soundscapes of Her,” music for trumpet and piano on KHFM, 95.5 FM “10 at 10” Series with Brent Stevens
UNM Associate Professor of Trumpet, Dr. John Marchiando, and pianist Dr. Natasha Stojanovska will perform and chat about music from the "Soundscapes of Her" concert presentation of music by women composers. Joined by Tanya Cole, Dr. Marchiando and Dr. Stojanovska will...
Remembering Jaune Quick-to-See Smith: Honoring Her Artistic Legacy
The UNM Art Department is mourning the loss of one of our inspirational alumna, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith.
Dr. Hurtado is the recipient of the 2024 “Mexicanos Distinguidos Award”
Dr. Hurtado is the recipient of the 2024 "Mexicanos Distinguidos Award" Every year, the Mexican Government, through the Foreign Ministry of Mexico, selects a handful of nationals from all over the world to receive the Distinguished Mexicans Award, which is given to...