Mary Anne Santos Newhall
Professor Emeritus of Dance, History and Criticism, Contemporary Dance

Mary Anne Santos Newhall
Professor Emeritus of Dance
History and Criticism
Contemporary Dance
Carlisle Gym 112
In 2007, Newhall worked with Don Redlich to reconstruct Hanya Holm’sRota, a “lost work” performed by UNM students through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. In 2009, she was awarded a second NEA grant to work with Redlich to further document Holm’s technique and legacy in American modern dance. Those materials now reside in the New York Public Library, the Dance Notation Bureau and the NEA. Contributing to the vibrant dance community at UNM, she has facilitated the restaging of Martha Graham’s Panorama, “Saraband” from Graham’s Dark Meadow along with “Parsons Etude” “Battleworks Etude” and the “Rainbow Etude”. The last three are the result of her ongoing collaboration with the American Dance Legacy Initiative.
Routledge published her book Mary Wigman, about the life, philosophy and dance pedagogy of the famed German dance pioneer, in 2009. Her commentary and re-creation of Wigman’s Hexentanz (1926) were featured in a 2008 documentary film for ARTE, German-French television. She is currently working on a manuscript about early modern dance pioneer Eve Gentry.
Mary Anne continues to perform as an independent soloist and choreographer. Her dance/video collaborations with videographer Susanna Carlisle have been exhibited at the Neue Galerie in New York City, the Linda Durham Gallery in Santa Fe, and festivals in Milan, Florence, Bangkok, Germany and Australia.